Ara Ake and Taranaki regional development agency Venture Taranaki, hosted the Offshore Future Energy Forum on 25 and 26 November 2021.

The forum brought together national and international experts to explore new offshore energy potential and covered technologies such as offshore wind, wave and tidal, and marine energy storage.

Below is a detailed programme for the two days, including the speakers' presentations, and video recordings.

Thank you to all of our sponsors and supporters


Offshore Future Energy Forum Summary Report

This report provides a summary of the two day 2021 Offshore Future Energy Forum.

Day One - 25 November 2021



Justine Gilliland - Chief Executive, Venture Taranaki

New Zealand Government's vision

Hon Megan Woods - Minister of Energy & Resources


Chris Jewell-Co-Chair, Low Carbon Energy Roadmap, Aotearoa Circle

New Zealand Energy Roadmap

Chris Jewell - Co-Chair, Low Carbon Energy Roadmap, Aotearoa Circle

Session 1: Overview on Offshore Wind

Alastair Dutton-Chair, Global Wind Energy Council

International update from Global Wind Energy Council

Alastair Dutton - Chair, Global Wind Energy Council

Katharine York-OMCE Manager, Catapult UK

International Regime - Best practice and environmental impacts

Katharine York - Operations & Maintenance Centre of Excellence Manager, Catapult UK

Nick Jackson-Director, Elemental Group

Update since Offshore Wind Forum 2020

Nick Jackson - Director, Elemental Group

Giacomo Caleffi-Chair, NZ Offshore Wind Working Group

The role of the New Zealand Offshore Wind Working Group

Giacomo Caleffi - Chair, NZ Offshore Wind Working Group

Māori Perspective

Dion Tuuta - Chief Executive, Te Kotahitanga o Te Atiawa Trust

Pieterjan Vanbuggenhout-Senior Origination Officer, Parkwind EU

Offshore Wind Developer

Pieterjan Vanbuggenhout - Senior Origination Officer, Parkwind EU

Andy Evans photo

Offshore Wind Developer

Andy Evans - Co-Founder/Director, Oceanex AU

Jarek Pole-Director, BlueFloat

Offshore Wind Developer

Jarek Pole - Director, BlueFloat

Session 2: Power to X - leveraging offshore wind

Justine Gilliland Chief Executive Venture Taranaki Toby Stevenson Director Sapere

Power to X - Pathway to a green economy

Justine Gilliland - Chief Executive, Venture Taranaki
Toby Stevenson - Director, Sapere

Thom Cameron-Hydrogen and Chemicals Technology Director, Aurecon Australia

International keynote speaker

Thom Cameron - Hydrogen and Chemicals Technology Director, Aurecon Australia

Session 3: Regulatory Regime and Infrastructure

Phillippa Fox-Deputy Secretary, Building Resources and Markets (Acting), Ministry of Business Innovation & Employment

MBIE's perspective on offshore wind potential for NZ and the current regulatory regime

Philippa Fox - Deputy Secretary, Building Resources and Markets (Acting), Ministry of Business Innovation & Employment

Andrew Renton-Senior Principal Engineer, Transpower

Infrastructure future - Net Zero Grid Pathways Programme update

Andrew Renton - Senior Principal Engineer, Transpower

Session 4: Panel discussion

Facilitated by Justine Gilliland

Andrew Clennett - Co-Founder and Chief Executive, Hiringa Energy

Brett Rogers - Director, Elemental Group

Jen Natoli - Team Lead, E tū

Ross Dingle - Head of Commercial, Port Taranaki

Kyle Hall - Director, School of Engineering, Energy & Infrastructure, WITT

Day Two - 26 November 2021

Session 5: Wave and Tidal

Matt de Boer-Senior Analyst, Climate Change Commission

Climate Change Commission's view on oceans and marine energy in the future

Matt de Boer - Senior Analyst, Climate Change Commission

Dr Craig Stevens-Principal Scientist, NIWA

Environmental impacts, opportunities, and synergies between various approaches of marine energy

Dr Craig Stevens - Principal Scientist - Marine Physics, NIWA

Danielle Bertram-Civil Engineering Lecturer, School of Engineering, University of Waikato

Role and locations of wave energy in Aotearoa

Danielle Bertram - Civil Engineering Lecturer, School of Engineering, University of Waikato

Martin Knoche-CEO, The Northland Innovation Centre, and Co-Chair, AWATEA

State of technology - Global and National

Martin Knoche - CEO, The Northland Innovation Centre, and Co-Chair, Aotearoa Wave & Tidal Energy Association

Stephanie Thornton-Cluster Manager, Australia Ocean Energy Group

Future of marine energy technology

Stephanie Thornton - Cluster Manager, Australia Ocean Energy Group

Jim Dehlsen photo

Wave and Tidal Developers

Jim Dehlsen - Executive Chairman

Armin Howard-Group Operations Manager, Azura Wave

Wave and Tidal Developers

Armin Howard - Group Operations Manager, Azura Wave

Dr Vladislav Sorokin-Aotea Environmental Monitoring

Wave and Tidal Developers

Dr Vladislav Sorokin - Aotea Environmental Monitoring

Millan Ruka-Ruka Energy

Wave and Tidal Developers

Millan Ruka - Ruka Energy

Session 6: Marine Energy Storage

-Co-Founder, EnergyBank

Introduction to marine energy storage

Tim Hawkey - Co-Founder, EnergyBank

Session 7: Panel discussion

Facilitated by Justine Gilliland

Dr Craig Stevens - Principal Scientist, Marine Physics, NIWA

Martin Knoche - Co-Chair, AWATEA

Matt de Boer - Senior Analyst, Climate Change Commission

Millan Ruka - Ruka Energy

Stephanie Thornton - Cluster Manager, Australian Ocean Energy Group

Offshore Future Energy Forum QA

Slido Q&A

Our presenters and panellists have answered the Slido questions from the Offshore Future Energy Forum. View here.